SIGN AND FORM MAKINGGraffiti - Italian root is 'graphic'"The writings on the wall"TRUTH.Doesn't exactly refer to graffiti.From the bible. appearence of truth.

Political sloagns.
Mark out territory.
Graffiti visual style.
Sprayed, tags.
Graffiti mimics corporate branding. Letter as a visual image.
About the envolope, rather than the content.
shape + word.
logos + graffiti.
nothing to read, just recognize.

Signature is the work.
The brand becomes the thing that's being sold, name eclipses the product.
Blankness of commercial logo, no specific meaning attached.
Different meanings at different times, amrketing campaign.
Coca-Colas, endlessly repeatable.
Tag is blank, meaningless.
Visual style has no meaning other than signifying graffiti. Content is unimportant, as long as it identifies you as being different.
Meaning of the mimicry?
What are the significant differnce?
Copyright, property, insist on originalty, graffiti's relationship to copyright, mockery. lay claim to the building, ownership of public space.
Using the language of corporate advertising.
What does a graffiti tag individualize?
Brand name relates to a brand. Tag doesn't refer to anything. Signature and brand at the same time.
Brand name signifer, brand name signified.
Tag refers to other tags, doesn't refer to specific individual. That tag again, trace of something.
If a piece graffiti was placed in a gallery, it would no longer be graffiti as it woudn't be illegal, it would be an example of graffiti. The same as if a piece of work was deliberatly made to be put in a gallery, it would simply be be art in the style of graffiti. When it's authorised it is no longer graffiti as it is not illegal.